5 Benefits of Butternut soup

As we approach the anticipated rainy season of March. It gets chilly and we try to look for warm stuff to to drink, porridge, tea and even soup. Not only is this healthy but its absolutely Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious as Mary Poppins would sing.


1.May support eye health

2. May support the immune system

3.May support bone health

4.May support digestion

5.May support weight management

Preparation time: 20 mins

cooking time:30 mins

serves:4-6 people


  1. 2 medium butternuts
  2. 2 medium onions
  3. 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
  4. 3 green apples
  5. 5 stalks of celery plus their leaves
  6. bunch of fresh parsley
  7. 1 tbsp cinnamon
  8. salt and black pepper
  9. 500ml cream or milk(optional)


  1. Roughly chop onion and fry in a small amount of cooking oil until it starts to turn clear
  2. Add in celery and parsley.
  3. Put in chopped apples and peeled butternut
  4. Add cinnamon, salt and black pepper.
  5. Add water to the level of the butternut and let it boil and the butternut is soft.
  6. Place the butternut mixture, in a blender. Blend until smooth texture.
  7. Return to the pot , add in milk or cream to a much lighter texture.
  8. serve as a starter before dinner or just to warm up

Note: This is a very filling soup especially for people who are on weight management.

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