How to Break Negative Thought Patterns

You view the world through your mental attitude. If that attitude is predominantly negative, it can impact everything, including health, career, family, and more. Furthermore, negative thinking can have a spiraling effect that attracts more negative thinking.

Treating your thought processes isn’t as easy or prescriptive. Especially if they stem from general anxiety, depression, or another mental health condition.

Bellow are guide lines that we can slowly use to train ourselves over time on how to think by implementing simple techniques. 

  • Have a negative thought time

This may seem to be a weired strategy, but having some time of negative thoughts and writing them down can help you overcome with time.

  • Replace the negative thoughts

Now, try to replace the negative thoughts in stage one with positive thoughts in your mind.

  • Be your own best friend

Think of your self first. What will make me happy? What can I do to improve my life? Whatever you do or think of let it benefit you.

  • Establish new habits

It is said that old habit dies hard, however if you realise that some habits affect your life negatively especially with negative thoughts, its wise to start avoiding this habits. Direct your energy to positive thinking and activities.

  • Use affirmatives

When you wake up in the morning, open your eyes and feel gratitude.

  • Have a success routine

Focus on the person you want to be. Meditate and write down goals and the means/ ways to reach your goals with proper timelines.

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